AOMORI GOKAN アートフェス2024
AOMORI GOKAN アートフェス2024に参加します。
今回は8月一杯、メインアーティストの栗林隆の元気炉の展示周回に同行します。それと並行して写真家 志津野雷と共に青森の音像・郷土音楽を時に収集し、時に共に演奏する旅になる予定です。
詳しい日程やアートフェスティバルの詳細についてはAOMORI GOKANのホームページをご覧ください。
8/9. 青森県立美術館
8/14-15. 青森公立大学国際芸術センター
8/18-19. 八戸美術館
8/24-25. 十和田市現代美術館
8/30-9/1. 弘前れんが倉庫美術館
Sho Tatsuta will participate in AOMORI GOKAN ART FESTIVAL 2024.
Aomori GOKAN is a project in which five art museums and art centres in Aomori Prefecture collaborate to promote the appeal of art in Aomori to people in Japan and abroad. The project aims to promote regional development in a wide range of fields, including culture, economy, and education, through a tour of the prefecture by residents and tourists.
This time, the leading artist Takashi Kuribayashi will accompany the exhibition tour of Genkiro and stay in Aomori throughout August, sometimes collecting and sometimes performing Aomori’s soundscape and local music together with photographer Rai Shizuno. We hope that the culmination of these activities will be a work of art.
Please visit the AOMORI GOOAN website for a detailed schedule and more information about the art festival.
Sho Tatsuta will participate on the following dates, which will be updated as soon as the details are finalised.
8/9. Aomori Museum of Art
8/14-15. Aomori Contemporary Art Centre, Aomori Public University
8/18-19. Hachinohe Art Museum
8/24-25. Towada Art Centre
8/30-9/1. Hirosaki Museum of Contemporary Art